New User Problem
When a new user joins a platform, the system has little or no data about their preferences or past interactions, making it difficult to recommend items accurately.
A new user signs up for Netflix. Since they haven’t watched or rated any shows or movies yet, Netflix has no data to personalize recommendations for them.
New Item Problem
When a new item (e.g., product, movie, or song) is added to the platform, there are no user interactions (ratings, clicks, purchases) with it. As a result, the system struggles to recommend this item to users because it doesn’t know which users might like it.
An online bookstore adds a newly released book. Since no users have rated or bought the book yet, it’s challenging to recommend it to anyone.
New User-Item Combination Problem
Even for existing users and items, the system may encounter cold-start issues when it hasn’t observed any interaction between a specific user and a specific item. This occurs frequently when a system handles a large inventory.
A regular customer on an e-commerce site is shown a new category of products they haven’t browsed or purchased before, leaving the system unsure of how to make recommendations within this category.
Content-Based Filtering
Recommends items based on the characteristics or features of the items themselves (e.g., keywords, genres, tags) and matches them with user profiles.