
Last Updated at Tuesday December 07, 2021 (Latest local data available for: September 27, 2021)


Total Confirmed


Total Recovered


Total Death


Total Active


Total Vaccine doses administered



Daily New COVID-19 Cases

Cases by Wave


Total COVID-19 Confirmed Cases

COVID-19 Cases Distribution by Wave

COVID-19 Deaths Distribution by Wave

COVID-19 Patients Distribution


Total COVID-19 Patients Distribution in Sri Lanka (upto 31st Aug 2021)

Country Map

Distribution of Daily COVID-19 Patients For Last 30days (For Aug-2021)

By Applying Min-max Transformation

Vaccination Details


Total Vaccine Doses

*In Sri Lanka vaccination has been started since the end of January 2021. However, the situation reports recorded vaccine data by names of the vaccine since 28 April 2021.

Total Administrated Doses by Vaccine Name

Top 10 Countries


Comparison of Cumulative Cases in Sri Lanka with Top 10 Countries (Linear)

Comparison of Log value of Cumulative Counts in Sri Lanka with Top 10 Countries (Log)

Global Comparison


Comparison of Sri Lanka with Top 10 Countries Reporting the Most COVID-19 Cases in the World

Comparison of Sri Lanka with Top 10 Countries Reporting the Most COVID-19 Cases in the Asia

Global Map

Spread of COVID-19 cases in World (by Monday December 06, 2021)


This dashboard provides an overview of the COVID-19 pandemic for Sri Lanka. Dashboard is built with R using the R Markdown framework.

Created by

Randi Shashikala De Alwis, Department of Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Thiyanga S. Talagala, Department of Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (Project supervisor)


The code behind the dashboard is available on GitHub.


All input data (related to the local situation) for the dashboard is pulled from COVID-19 daily situation reports published by Epidemiology Unit, Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medical Services, Sri Lanka through covid19srilanka package in R, available here https://github.com/thiyangt/covid19srilanka

Sri Lanka maps are created using the ceylon package in R available here https://github.com/thiyangt/ceylon

The global data is taken from coronavirus package. The raw data in this package is being pulled from the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE) Coronavirus repository.


Proportion of Vaccination(for first dose only) = (Count of first doses administrated by corresponding vaccine/ Total doses administrated by corresponding vaccine) * 100.

Case-Fatality Ratio(%) = (Number of reported deaths/ Number of reported cases)*100.

In Sri Lanka country map both Kalmunai & Ampara districts counts are taken as count of Ampara.

Countries with the highest number of confirmed cases (as 31st August 2021) were selected as top 10 countries.


The global map data & global comparison data is as of Monday December 06, 2021 and the dashboard has been updated on Tuesday December 07, 2021.

Local data is as of 31st of August 2021.