STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics

Course Information and Logistics

Dr. Thiyanga S. Talagala
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Applied Sciences
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

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Naming Conventions of University Course Units: How does it work?

STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics

STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics

Course unit title

STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics

Course code

STA 113 2.0

Course code: Subject

STA 113 2.0

Course code: First Year Course Unit

STA 113 2.0

Course code: Credit value

This is important in calculating your Grade Point Average (GPA).

Z-Score at GCE A/L

  • University selection from GCE A/L

GPA at the University

  • Honours degree selection
  • Award classes
  • Determine graduation eligibility
  • Computed based only on GCE A/L examination results
  • The results of assignments, mid-semester examination, and end-semester examination are used to compute the final grade of the course unit, which in turn affects the final GPA.

How to calculate GPA?


Course code Student 1 - grade
STA 100 2.0 A
STA 101 1.0 B
STA 102 2.0 A
CSC 100 3.0 A
CSC 101 2.0 B
MAT 100 1.0 B+
MAT 101 2.0 A+
MAT 103 2.0 A+

How to calculate GPA?


Course code Student 1 - grade
STA 100 2.0 A
STA 101 1.0 B
STA 102 2.0 A
CSC 100 3.0 A
CSC 101 2.0 B
MAT 100 1.0 B+
MAT 101 2.0 A+
MAT 103 2.0 A+
Letter grade gpa
A+ 4.0
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
E 0.0

source: Degree Programmes and Examination Regulation Booklet 2019/2020

How to calculate GPA?


Course code Student 1 - grade Unit GPA
STA 100 2.0 A 4.0
STA 101 1.0 B 3.0
STA 102 2.0 A 4.0
CSC 100 3.0 A 4.0
CSC 101 2.0 B 3.0
MAT 100 1.0 B+ 3.3
MAT 101 2.0 A+ 4.0
MAT 103 2.0 A+ 4.0
Letter grade gpa
A+ 4.0
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
E 0.0

How to calculate GPA?


Course code Student 1 - grade Unit GPA
STA 100 2.0 A 4.0
STA 101 1.0 B 3.0
STA 102 2.0 A 4.0
CSC 100 3.0 A 4.0
CSC 101 2.0 B 3.0
MAT 100 1.0 B+ 3.3
MAT 101 2.0 A+ 4.0
MAT 103 2.0 A+ 4.0

How to calculate GPA?


Course code Student 1 - grade Unit GPA Credit value
STA 100 2.0 A 4.0 2
STA 101 1.0 B 3.0 1
STA 102 2.0 A 4.0 2
CSC 100 3.0 A 4.0 3
CSC 101 2.0 B 3.0 2
MAT 100 1.0 B+ 3.3 1
MAT 101 2.0 A+ 4.0 2
MAT 103 2.0 A+ 4.0 2

How to calculate GPA?


Course code Student 1 - grade Unit GPA Credit value
STA 100 2.0 A 4.0 2
STA 101 1.0 B 3.0 1
STA 102 2.0 A 4.0 2
CSC 100 3.0 A 4.0 3
CSC 101 2.0 B 3.0 2
MAT 100 1.0 B+ 3.3 1
MAT 101 2.0 A+ 4.0 2
MAT 103 2.0 A+ 4.0 2

\[\text{overall GPA} = \frac{(4 \times 2) + (3 \times 1)+(4 \times 2)+(4 \times 3)+(3 \times 2)+(3.3 \times 1) + (4 \times 2) + (4 \times 2)}{(2+1+2+3+2+1+2+2)} = 3.75\]

Your Turn

Example: Compute the GPAs for students 2, 3, and 4.

Course code Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
STA 100 2.0 A A A A
STA 101 1.0 B B B B
STA 102 2.0 A A C+ A
CSC 100 3.0 A C+ A A
CSC 101 2.0 B B B B
MAT 100 1.0 B+ B+ B+ B+
MAT 101 2.0 A+ A+ A+ A
MAT 103 2.0 A+ A+ A+ A
overall GPA 3.75

STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics: Type and Method of Assessment


Type: Core


Method of Assessment:


Formative Assessment (FA):

FA1: Group assignment: 10% of the total marks

FA2: Mid-semester examination: 20% of the total marks


Summative Assessment (SA):

SA1: End of Semester Examination: 70% of the total marks

STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics: Logistics


Course website: open-access


Course LMS page: closed access (open only to students enrolled in the unit STA 113 2.0 at FAS, USJ)

  • Course outline

  • Announcements

  • Exercises

  • Weekly schedule

You must enroll yourself in the LMS course unit page.

STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics: Rules

You are allowed to apply for a deadline extension for the assignment under the following conditions only.


Category A

An illness that requires the student to miss all of his or her classes for 2 days or more.

Category B

A period of grief for loss of a family member or friend.

Category C

A family emergency.

Category D

Late enrollment due to filling vacancies.

A valid documentation of proof is required prior to the assignment deadline.

Why Rule 1? Keep things fair, encourage good time management, and show appreciation for on-time submission students.

STA 113 2.0 Descriptive Statistics: Workload

Type Hours
Total 100
Lectures and tutorials 30
Independent learning 70

Three Key Ingredients

Physical Space

Calendar Space

Mental Space

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