Exercise 6 Writing Functions in R

6.1 Lecture slides

6.2 Problems

  1. Write an R function to compute the sample excess kurtosis.

  2. Write an R function to convert a vector of numeric values to the corresponding z-score vector.

  3. Write an R function to generate \(n\) random numbers from a normal distribution and \(m\) random numbers from a uniform distribution.

  4. The secant method for finding the solution of an equation of the form \(f(x)=0\) is

\[x_n=x_{n-1} - \frac{(x_{n-1}-x_{n-2})f(x_{n-1})}{f(x_{n-1})-f(x_{n-2})},\]

where two initial guesses \(x_1\) and \(x_2\) must be specified beforehand.

The secant function given below can be used to find the solutions of a functions using the secant method.

secant <- function(x1, x2, f){

fx1 <- f(x1)
xdiff <- x2 - x1
fx2 <- f(x2)

if (abs(fx2) < 1e-8) break
x <- x2 - xdiff*fx2/(fx2 - fx1)
xdiff <- x - x2
x2 <- x
fx1 <- fx2
  1. Write a function named f1 which takes a single argument \(x\) and returns the values of the function below

\[f(x) = e^{-x} - x.\]

  1. Apply the secant function to find the solution of \(e^{-x} - x = 0.\) Help: Use -1.5 and -0.5 as your starting guess.