7  Writing Manuscript

7.1 Abstract

7.1.1 Role of abstract

  1. Grab attention

  2. Establishes Relevance: decide whether to continue reading

  3. Gives an idea of the quality of the work

  4. Serves as a marketing tool

  5. Making the paper discoverabl

7.1.2 Types of abstracts

  1. Descriptive abstract

  2. Informative abstract

  3. Critical abstract

  4. Structured abstract

  5. Graphical abstract

  6. Highlight abstract

7.1.3 How to write an abstract?

Your abstract should answer the following questions.

  1. What did you do?

  2. Why did you do?

  3. How did you do?

  4. What did you find?

  5. What do your findings mean?

  6. What are the advantages of your findings?

  7. How well does it work?

7.1.4 Features of a good abstract

  1. Stands on its own

  2. Avoid “I”, “We”

  3. Avoid trade names, acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols

  4. Use active voice instead of passive voice (the study tested rather than it was tested by the study)

7.2 Introduction

  1. Introduce general topic

  2. Past studies

  3. Highlight the gap

  4. Objectives of the current study

7.3 Guidelines on how to divide paragraphs in the introduction

In class discussion with examples








  1. Significance of your study




7.4 Literature review

  • Chronological

  • Thematic

  • Methodological

7.5 Methodology

  • How the research was conducted

7.6 Results

  • What you discovered through your research

7.7 Conclusions and Discussions

  • Interpret the results

  • Explain their implications

  • Address unexpected findings

  • Limitations in your study

  • Future directions

7.8 Other sections

  • References

  • Acknowledgement

7.9 Research misconducts

  • Data falsification

  • Data fabrication

  • Plagiarism

7.10 Handling misconduct

  • Rejection

  • Retraction