9  Decision Trees and Random Forests

9.1 Classification and Regression Trees


9.1.1 Construct a decision tree using R

9.1.2 Packages


9.1.3 Data

Data summary
Name penguins
Number of rows 344
Number of columns 8
Column type frequency:
factor 3
numeric 5
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
species 0 1.00 FALSE 3 Ade: 152, Gen: 124, Chi: 68
island 0 1.00 FALSE 3 Bis: 168, Dre: 124, Tor: 52
sex 11 0.97 FALSE 2 mal: 168, fem: 165

Variable type: numeric

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate mean sd p0 p25 p50 p75 p100 hist
bill_length_mm 2 0.99 43.92 5.46 32.1 39.23 44.45 48.5 59.6 ▃▇▇▆▁
bill_depth_mm 2 0.99 17.15 1.97 13.1 15.60 17.30 18.7 21.5 ▅▅▇▇▂
flipper_length_mm 2 0.99 200.92 14.06 172.0 190.00 197.00 213.0 231.0 ▂▇▃▅▂
body_mass_g 2 0.99 4201.75 801.95 2700.0 3550.00 4050.00 4750.0 6300.0 ▃▇▆▃▂
year 0 1.00 2008.03 0.82 2007.0 2007.00 2008.00 2009.0 2009.0 ▇▁▇▁▇

9.1.4 Exploratory Data Analysis

  1. Your turn: Perform an exploratory data analysis

  2. What are the limitations of the following chart? Could you suggest ways to reduce clutter and enhance its clarity?

ggpairs(penguins, aes(colour = species), progress = FALSE) +

9.1.5 Remove missing values

penguins <- drop_na(penguins)

9.1.6 Split data

penguin_split <- initial_split(penguins, strata = species)
penguin_train <- training(penguin_split)
penguin_test <- testing(penguin_split)

9.1.7 Display the dimensions of the training dataset

[1] 84  8
[1] 249   8

9.1.8 Build Decision Tree

tree1 <- rpart(species ~ ., penguin_train,  cp = 0.1)
rpart.plot(tree1, box.palette="RdBu", shadow.col="gray", nn=TRUE)

9.1.9 Make predictions

head(predict(tree1, penguin_test))
     Adelie  Chinstrap Gentoo
1 0.9626168 0.03738318      0
2 0.9626168 0.03738318      0
3 0.9626168 0.03738318      0
4 0.9626168 0.03738318      0
5 0.9626168 0.03738318      0
6 0.9626168 0.03738318      0
head(predict(tree1, penguin_test,  type = "class"))
     1      2      3      4      5      6 
Adelie Adelie Adelie Adelie Adelie Adelie 
Levels: Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo

9.1.10 Evaluate accuracy over the test set

Loading required package: lattice

Attaching package: 'caret'
The following objects are masked from 'package:yardstick':

    precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity
The following object is masked from 'package:purrr':

penguin_test$predict <- predict(tree1, penguin_test,  type = "class")
confusionMatrix(data = penguin_test$predict,
                reference = penguin_test$species)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
  Adelie        35         0      0
  Chinstrap      2        14      0
  Gentoo         0         3     30

Overall Statistics
               Accuracy : 0.9405          
                 95% CI : (0.8665, 0.9804)
    No Information Rate : 0.4405          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
                  Kappa : 0.9066          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA              

Statistics by Class:

                     Class: Adelie Class: Chinstrap Class: Gentoo
Sensitivity                 0.9459           0.8235        1.0000
Specificity                 1.0000           0.9701        0.9444
Pos Pred Value              1.0000           0.8750        0.9091
Neg Pred Value              0.9592           0.9559        1.0000
Prevalence                  0.4405           0.2024        0.3571
Detection Rate              0.4167           0.1667        0.3571
Detection Prevalence        0.4167           0.1905        0.3929
Balanced Accuracy           0.9730           0.8968        0.9722

9.2 Random forests

  • Bagging ensemble method

  • Gives final prediction by aggregating the predictions of bootstrapped decision tree samples.

  • Trees in a random forest are independent of each other.

  • With ensemble methods, we get a new metric for assessing the predictive performance of the model, the out-of-bag error

9.3 Illustration of how random forests algorithm works

9.3.1 Boostrap Sample for the first tree

9.3.2 Out-of-bag sample for the first tree

9.3.3 Out-of-bag sample predictions

9.3.4 Variable importance measures in random forest

  • Permutation-based variable importance

  • Mean decrease in Gini coefficient

9.3.5 Random forest using R

rf <- randomForest(species ~ ., penguin_train)

9.3.6 Make predictions and evaluate accuracy over the test set

penguin_test$predictrf <- predict(rf, penguin_test,  type = "class")
confusionMatrix(data = penguin_test$predictrf,
                reference = penguin_test$species)
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

Prediction  Adelie Chinstrap Gentoo
  Adelie        37         0      0
  Chinstrap      0        17      0
  Gentoo         0         0     30

Overall Statistics
               Accuracy : 1         
                 95% CI : (0.957, 1)
    No Information Rate : 0.4405    
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16 
                  Kappa : 1         
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA        

Statistics by Class:

                     Class: Adelie Class: Chinstrap Class: Gentoo
Sensitivity                 1.0000           1.0000        1.0000
Specificity                 1.0000           1.0000        1.0000
Pos Pred Value              1.0000           1.0000        1.0000
Neg Pred Value              1.0000           1.0000        1.0000
Prevalence                  0.4405           0.2024        0.3571
Detection Rate              0.4405           0.2024        0.3571
Detection Prevalence        0.4405           0.2024        0.3571
Balanced Accuracy           1.0000           1.0000        1.0000

9.3.7 Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves

  • Graphical plot that illustrates the performance of a binary classifier model.

9.3.8 When to Use an ROC Curve?

  • Binary Classification: It is particularly useful when you have two classes (e.g., yes/no, positive/negative).

  • Imbalanced Datasets: It’s beneficial for imbalanced classes since it doesn’t rely on accuracy, which can be biased when one class is significantly more frequent than the other.

  • Comparing Models: It’s a great tool for comparing multiple classifiers on the same dataset to see which performs better across thresholds.

9.4 Simulation illustrating ROC curve calculations

set.seed(123)  # For reproducibility

# Simulate true labels (0 or 1) for 100 observations
true_labels <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)

# Simulate predicted probabilities for the positive class (between 0 and 1)
predicted_probs <- runif(100)
[1] 0.5999890 0.3328235 0.4886130 0.9544738 0.4829024 0.8903502
# Define thresholds from 0 to 1
thresholds <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
[1] 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
# Initialize vectors to store TPR and FPR values
tpr_values <- numeric(length(thresholds))
fpr_values <- numeric(length(thresholds))

# Calculate TPR and FPR at each threshold
for (i in 1:length(thresholds)) {
  threshold <- thresholds[i]
  # Classify samples based on the threshold
  predicted_class <- ifelse(predicted_probs >= threshold, 1, 0)
  # Calculate confusion matrix components
  TP <- sum((predicted_class == 1) & (true_labels == 1))  # True Positives
  FP <- sum((predicted_class == 1) & (true_labels == 0))  # False Positives
  TN <- sum((predicted_class == 0) & (true_labels == 0))  # True Negatives
  FN <- sum((predicted_class == 0) & (true_labels == 1))  # False Negatives
  # Calculate TPR and FPR
  tpr_values[i] <- TP / (TP + FN)
  fpr_values[i] <- FP / (FP + TN)

# View first few TPR and FPR values
df <- data.frame(thresholds, tpr_values, fpr_values)
  thresholds tpr_values fpr_values
1       0.00  1.0000000          1
2       0.01  1.0000000          1
3       0.02  0.9767442          1
4       0.03  0.9767442          1
5       0.04  0.9767442          1
6       0.05  0.9767442          1
# Plot ROC curve
ggplot(df, aes(x=fpr_values, y=tpr_values)) + geom_line()